Chicago Auto Show 2012

First staged in 1901, the Chicago AutoShow is the largest auto show in North America and has been held moretimes than any other auto exposition on the continent. This year marksthe 104th edition of the Chicago Auto Show.
The Chicago Automobile Trade Association (CATA) is the nation's oldestand largest metropolitan dealer organization. The CATA has produced theChicago Auto Show since 1935.
Location - McCormick Place, 2301 S. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois, 60616.
The Chicago Auto Show utilizes 1.2 million square feet of theMcCormick Place complex. McCormick Place offers a total of 2.7 millionsquare feet of exhibit halls with an additional 700,000 square feet ofmeeting room availability.
In total, nearly 1,000 different vehicles will be on display.Additionally, attendees will also have the opportunity to see numerousaccessories and auto-related exhibits, competition vehicles andproject, antique and collector cars.