Ashok Leyland-Truck-U 4019
Make Year |
2018 |
Fuel type |
Diesel |
Fuel Capacity |
400 Ltr
Overall Length |
Wheel Base |
Transmission |
Body Color |
Mileage |
KM(s) Run |
45000 Kms
Expected Price |
6,00,000 |
Last Update |
21-Feb-2020 |
Owner |
1st Owner |
Additional Details
Cylinder |
----- |
Rear Axle |
----- |
Front Axle |
----- |
Engine Output |
----- |
Geared Speed |
0 kmph
Gradeability |
0 %
Groung Clearance |
Brakes |
----- |
Front Brakes |
----- |
Rear Brakes |
----- |
Front Suspension |
----- |
Rear Suspension |
----- |
Shock Absorbers |
----- |
Anti Roll Bar |
----- |
Tyres |
----- |
Track Front |
0 mm
Track Rear |
0 mm
Max Width |
0 mm
Load Body |
----- |
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Vehicle Description
Accident vechile sale without paper. Model- 2018, engine safe, gear box safe, only cabin damage. Only PRIME MOVER sell
The R15 is an amazingly accomplished bike for the racetrack. It's easy to fall in love with the motorcycle given the truckloads of gift. The new bike is a clear winner , putting down its competitors in various departments.
A remarkable aspect of the R15 is the harmony with which its different components work. Each element delivers a superior performance and there is perfect synergy between the various parts that allow the bike to go faster.
Another amazing feature is the gluey grip of the tyres which grip, grip and then grip some more without even being fat. It permits the rider